Monday, June 30, 2014

Summer energy

Summer is definitely here. Another change in season... 

The Macrocosmic and Microcosmic Associations for summer are as follows:

Universal Macrocosm
Color: Red
Flavor: Bitter
Climate: Hot
Hours: 9 am - 1 pm
Development phase: Blooming, fruiting
Direction: South
Activity: Expands

Human Microcosm
Organ Yin: Heart, pericardium
Organ Yang: Small intestine, Triple Burner
Vital functions: Blood, endocrine
Bodily secretions: Sweat
Emotion: Joy
External apertures: Tongue, throat
Life cycle: Youth
Healing sound: Her
Tissue: Blood vessels

Psychic and Personality Traits
Tissue: Blood vessels
Energy Type: Fusing
Ability: Communication
Mental preoccupation: Stimulation
Obsessions: Pleasure, desire, love, divinity
Tendencies: Excitement, contact
Emotional need: Being in love
Psychic fear: Isolation
Emotional weakness: Instability

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Spring energy

Spring is here ! Rain, sun, buds, flowers, green... With the change in season, let's look at the various dimensions we may want to be aware of as mind and body is adjusting to this new period of life.

The Macrocosmic and Microcosmic Associations for spring are as follows:

Universal Macrocosm

Color: Green
Flavor: Sour
Climate: windy
Hours: 3 - 7am
Development phase: Spouting, growing
Direction: East
Activity: Generates

Human Microcosm

Organ Yin: Liver
Organ Yang: Gallbladder
Vital function: Nervous System
Bodily secretions: Tears
Emotion: Anger
External: apertures: Eyes
Life cycle: Infancy
Healing sound: Hsu
Tissue: Ligaments, nerves, nails

Psychic and Personality Traits

Energy type: Expanding
Ability: Initiative
Mental preoccupation: Work
Obsessions: Answers, choices, goals
Tendencies: Risk, busy work
Emotional need: Arousal
Psychic fear: Helplessness
Virtue: Benevolence
Emotional weakness: Depression