Here are the Macrocosmic and Microcosmic associations with Fire:
Universal Macrocosm:
Color: Red
Flavor: Bitter
Climate: Hot
Hours: 9am - 1pm
Development phase: Blooming, fruiting
Direction: South
Activity: Expands
Human Microcosm:
Organ Yin: Heart, pericardium
Organ Yang: Small intestine, Triple Burner
Vital function: Blood, endocrine
Bodily secretions: Sweat
Emotion: Joy
External apertures: Tongue, throat
Life cycle: Youth
Haling sound: Her
Tissue: Blood vessels
Psychic and Personality Traits
Energy type: Fusing
Ability: Communications
Mental preoccupations: Stimulation
Obsessions: Pleasure, desire, love, divinity
Tendencies: Excitement, contact
Emotional need: Being in love
Psychic fear: Isolation
Virtue: Propriety
Emotional weakness: Instability
An ancient Chinese treatise on energy states:
" By the transformation of yang and its union with yin, the Five Elemental Energies of Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water arise, each with its own specific nature according to its share of yin and yang... The Five Elemental Energies combine and recombine in countless ways to create manifest existence. All things contain all Five Elemental Energies in various proportions".
Between the Five Elemental Energies there is a creative and a controlling cycle. The creative cycle is: Wood -> Fire -> Earth -> Metal -> Water -> Wood. The controlling cycle is: Water -> Fire -> Metal -> Wood -> Earth -> Water.
These complementary cycles automatically adjust the overall balance and functional harmony of the whole system according to the relative polarities of yin and yang. Whenever a condition of imbalance arises between two energies and their respective functions, the creative and controlling cycles compensate and correct the imbalance, restoring the harmony of the system.
Qigong Events in and around Seattle:
Free qigong classes in July at Two Dog Yoga
Yi Ren Qigong - summer offerings
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