Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Winter - Water Energy

We are transitioning into the winter - we just celebrated the solstice. It is time to slow down (despite the high intensities associated with the holidays) and find time to nourish ourselves.

Make sure you are aware and try to keep in mind the associations with the water element. They are listed below, the source being Daniel Reid's "A Complete Guide to Chi-Gung".

Universal Macrocosm
Color: Black
Flavour: Salty
Climate: Cold
Hours: 9pm - 1am
Development: Dormancy, storage
Direction: North
Season: Winter
Activity: Conserve

Human Microcosm

Yin organ: Kidney
Yang organ: Bladder
Vital function: Urinary, reproductive
Bodily secretions: Urine, sexual fluids
Emotion: Fear
External apertures: Ears
Life cycle: Death
Healing sound: Chway
Tissue: Bones, marrow, brain

Psychic and Personality Traits

Energy type: Conserving
Ability: Imagination
Mental preoccupation: Secret, mystery
Obsessions: Mysteries, death, visions, facts
Tendencies: Solitude, isolation
Emotional need: Being protected
Psychic fear: Extinction
Virtue: Wisdom
Emotional weakness: Fear